This blog has been created to feature adapted martial arts techniques.
Adapted Ground Back-Bent Wrist Lock - WRIST#2
The adapted back-bent wristlock may be applied while lying on your back. It is a variation of the traditional figure 4 wristlock. It applies pressure against your opponent's wrist and fingers by bending them backwards in order to create pain compliance.
STEP 1: Control your targeted opponent's wrist with your same side hand.
STEP 2: Reach over/across with your opposite hand and scoop your opponent's elbow with your opposite hand and the lower portion of your forearm.
STEP 3: Bend your opponent's target hand/wrist and forearm backwards while pulling his elbow forward with your opposite side hand and forearm.
STEP 4: Snake your opposite side hand around your opponent's forearm and grab your other forearm thus creating the figure 4 lock. Bend your opponent's wrist/hand/fingers backwards towards his body while pulling your arms inward to your chest to execute the lock.
As with most joint locks, this lock dependings upon deception and a speedy execution. If your opponent senses the impending lock, he may be able to counter it with resistance.